I recently had a bad day. You know, the kind where every single thing seems to be going wrong no matter how positive you stay or what you do the day just seems to be going the opposite way of where you wanted it to go. Everyone has these days occasionally, some more than others and I had a day like this just yesterday. I am generally a positive enough person I try to keep a good attitude no matter what lemons life throws at me. I'm a cut the lemons up and put them in my Blue Moon kind of person but this day, it didn't matter what kind of positive twist I tried to put on these series of unfortunate events it just kept getting worse and worse and so I did what any other logical person would do I decided to fuck off the rest of my responsibilities for the day and head to the beach. While I was soaking in the sun and doing some self-reflection I started thinking of ways that I could take my power back and change the day no matter what was being thrown my way. As a massage therapist I am very interested in all things that have to do with the body especially how to affect the body using different energy points and so I started to think about acupressure. The definition of acupressure is the application of pressure (as with the thumbs or fingertips) used for its therapeutic benefits such as relieving pain or tension. Stimulating the different energy points in the body helps to relieve all sorts of different ailments from helping you to get a goodnights sleep to getting rid of a headache and possibly helping one help themselves chill out on a day that doesn't seem to want to go your way. I found this really great website called eclecticenergies.com they have an index of acupressure points and they are really helpful. I took a few points that would assist in a bad day, but you don't have to limit yourself to just that there are points for concentration, gaining energy, focus, self esteem, all sorts of great stuff. This blog today is going to be about different points to help with calmness, relaxation, clarity of mind, and irritability.
Here are a few points to help bring the calm to your mind.
LI-4 Name: Joining the valleys (large intestine 4)
Location: Top side of the hand on the web between the thumb and index finger.
Use: Press
Effects: Calm
Sp-6 Name: Three Yin intersection (spleen 6)
Location: On the inside of the lower leg, four fingers above the top of the ankle bone, on the back of the shin bone
Use: Press
Effects: Calms and reduces irritability
ST-36 Name: Leg three miles (Stomach 36)
Location: On the front of the leg four fingers below the knee cap, on the outside, in the depression between the shin bone and the leg muscle.
Use: Press using a fingernail or a thumbnail so you can get more closely to the bone on a broad range.
WARNING: Do Not over use this point
Effects: Increase stamina and energy. Provides stability and grounding
Clarity of the mind:
SI-5 Name: Yang valley (small intestine 5)
Location: Near the wrist, on the pinky side of the hand. It is a fingers width under the crease of the hand in the depression just above the bone that is sticking out, straight under the pinky finger.
Use: Press
Effects: Brings clarity to the mind
LIV-3 Name: Great surge (liver 3)
Location: On the top of the foot, on the line between the big toe and the second toe.
Use: Move your finger in a counterclockwise direction over this point
WARNING: Don't use when weak or low on energy
Uses: Relaxes
Everyone is going to have a bad day from time to time. Our reaction to the situation is what matters. Reactions say a lot about a person. Occasionally it is each of our turns to look in the mirror and see if our reactions are conducive to a positive, happy life. We are not victims to our situations but in fact creators of it. As our reactions change to situations our whole lives can start to change. Instead of taking out our painfully horrible days on the people we love the most, why not take some time to take our power back and love ourselves. I hope this message helps with just that. Laughing is also great medicine so if you need a good laugh check out the Lighten up with Lex and Mais talk show podcast. Just scroll down and click play.
Good Talk!
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