Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What's Yo Status? Sex Appeal

What's Yo Status?

Sex Appeal

Today we talk sex appeal.  You know being sexy, whether it's to get the guy that you are crushing on or to spice things up with your current relationship.  Sexy is important cause lets face it ladies guys think with their dicks so sometimes you've gotta push up your tits.  But what do men really think is sexy?  Well according to allure.com you should wear red.  A bit of crimson has the power to put men in a lusty state of mind.  One study found they were 56% more likely to ask out a woman in a red top versus a white top.   But don't wear the color red on your lips according to a study found by allure.com, the lipstick shades men find most attractive are the neutrals and soft pinks.  Keep your Niki Minaj God awful bright pink lipstick in the drawer on the nights you're goin' out to meet that special someone. 

On the contrary if you're  a person who's been in a relationship for a long time and you feel like spicing it up put on your cutest little black dress and go for the red on your lips.  It gives your man the illusion of being freshly fucked which makes him excited, he won't be able to keep his hands off of you all night.  

We thought this was a really cute little black dress, perfect for the cold months.  Check out http://www.lulus.com/categories/page2/13_258/little-black-dress.html

So after you've got your outfit all picked out next you'll wanna choose the right perfume.  According to some perfumers the sexiest notes are lush flowers, vanilla and amber and powdery notes.  They specifically suggested Chanel no. 19, Dolce and Gabbana velvet sublime, and Tom Ford jasmine rouge.  Put a nice body powder over any exposed skin like your shoulders or your decollate where the light will naturally enhance it.  

Now that you are looking sexy and you are smelling sexy and you're  out on the prowl don't forget to smile. A smile amps up how sexy you seem and it makes you more approachable.  Here's a great tip for being sexy, master your moves.  A slight curve of the spine is visually mind blowing.  Have your guy put on your necklace while you bend over slightly, maybe exaggerate your movements as you pick up your purse off the floor how about wearing your hair up exposing the curve of your neck.

Here's a little piece of great advice for the peeps who are in a committed relationships out there. Eliminate the word No, unless your partner is asking you to do something demeaning or abusive or illegal.  Try it out one day see how many times you are drawn to say no first to any of his requests.  Saying no makes your partner think that they're desires aren't important to you, when you say yes you set up an open environment where your partner will respond in kind to your requests.  Just say yes to sex!  Just be a ho and don't say no hahahahaha.  Another way to be super sexy is by using sexy words and phrases like "remember that time when we"….. or compliments really work great with men like "I love the way your arms look in this shirt" or "I've never noticed how beautiful your eyes are"  It sounds dorky but it works.  For more info on using the right words check out this book by Rachel Kramer Bussel called Irresistible:  Erotic romance for couples

We hope that these tips have helped you to be a sexy bitch!!


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