Tuesday, January 6, 2015

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Smokin Poop

As you should know by now poop wins every time, and on the show this week Lex found an article about this dirty guy, whom resembles something out of Planet of the Apes, that’s been smoking poop for quite some time for the health benefits. That’s right we’re talking about smoking poop now. According to Wikipedia there’s a form of this called jenkem, that is an inhalant and purported hallucinogen created from fermented human waste. So, poop. Back in the 90’s it was a popular drug in the Republic of Zambia, a country in the middle of South Africa, that derived from genkem, or the glue that you huff to get high. Then that shit, literally, made it’s way to the US around 2007, but all that media was said to be based on a hoax. Basically translating into the fact that no one wants ownership of that rumor. However there are people that have “done" jenkem and possibly still do. Now they’re not grabbing poo out of the back yard, or off their clients expensive Persian rug all steaming hot. They’re scraping it, along with whatever else you put down your porcelain god, out of the sewage pipes. Once collected in a bag, or a bottle it’s sealed and stored for a week or so to ferment. You know that we know fermented food is good for you, but not so sure about fermented second hand processed through the body food. That sounds gnarly, like “you don’t want no part of this” gnarly.

The high last for about an hour and is a combination of hearing shit and seeing shit. Probably because you just huffed shit! One guy said it was better than weed. Yeah, we're gonna have to disagree with that guy! Another person said it makes them see dead people and forget about their problems. Those problems are still there buddy, and they should probably be addressed. Soon. Then there's the curious anesthesiologist specialist out of Boston that tested this form of gas on some lab rats, not sewer rats because they are obviously not phased by it. He came to the conclusion that jenkem has the same effect on your body as choking or holding your breath and can result in hypoxia; a lack of oxygen flow to the body that could be alternately euphoric and physically dangerous. So, even though Cheech & Chong made it look cool….refrain.

You can look like shit, feel like shit, be so full of shit that your eyes are brown, but please people don’t don’t fall into peer pressure! Otherwise you’ll just be dumb as shit! On that note, here’s the Urban Dictionary’s definition of smoking poop;

to get high by doing drugs
He's all shit faced he must have been smoking poop.

Well said. If you haven’t heard the show this week where we discuss this topic along with the lady with three boobs and the Chinese breast feeding ring, just click play below. Always remember that sharing is caring, thank you for your support and good talk!

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