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Bad Ass Beauty Tip
I know it is winter and everyone is freezing their butts off but icing your face actually feels really good and it makes you look good too.
When you apply ice to the skin it helps with circulation giving your skin a nice glowing look.
It helps reduce blemishes.
A combination of rose water and cucumber juice when frozen can be the perfect dark circle cure.
It is a perfect skin toner as it shrinks your pores thus, when you put makeup on it looks nice and smooth without your pores popping out.
Icing also prevents wrinkles, so hell yea!!
here are a few important tips you'll wanna remember when icing
Use a glove when applying so you can hold onto the ice. I actually use a piece of paper towel, works great
Ice can break capillaries so when you first get the ice out of the freezer give it a second to warm up a bit before applying it to the skin
Do Not ice an area for more than 15 minutes. Less is more people
You can use a variety of different ingredients for icing your face including lemon, green tea, chamomile tea, and cucumber juice.
Thanks for that awesome beauty tip
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