Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring "Break"?!

It’s that time again…you know the time when the public school system punishes you by taking a week break!  If you’re like me, you may be wondering what the hell am I gonna do with these jerks for a week that’s more productive than Mindcraft?! Search no further, I’m here to help….well me and  I mean if you haven’t checked this website out already, get on it. Chances are there are several kids in your neighborhood that may be hangin at su casa, so here’s a list of some games that can be played with a group of kids:

  1. Spring Scavenger Hunt.  Things are always blooming here in the tropics, but for the mainland the popcorn just started popping(LDS Primary reference…).  You can make a list, with the kids help, of different sounds that maybe happening due to warmer weather, or even some plants and animals that are making their season debut.
  2. Target Practice.  I know that with my kids, aim is always a good skill to have.  Whether you’re going to expect your kid to be able to nail a zombie with a headshot in the future, or become an amazing athlete, aiming is key.  This game is right up that alley.  Fill some plastic bags with sand/dirt to make your homemade lawn dart, then use a hula hoop or rope to make a target.  Voila, instant fun!  This game could also be played with soccer balls, basketballs, etc if making the lawn darts isn’t your thing!
    photo credit: Family Fun Magazine
  3. Hula Hoop Game.  You may have played this before in your youth, it’s a classic.  Get the kids all in a line to hold hands. Then give the first person in line a hula hoop.  The object of this game is to pass the hoop down the line without breaking the “chain”.  Maybe add a couple hoops to really challenge their ability to work together and solve problems.
    photo credit: Family Fun Magazine
  4. Marshmallow Launch! This one seems super fun, and chances of having marshmallows lingering are slim due to the deliciousness of them!!  You can make a launcher with stuff you have lying around your house, i.e. balloon, solo cup, scissors & mini marshmallows.  My kids love throwing and shooting stuff at each other, so this seems like a win!
    photo credit:
There’s more games online at, but these seemed to most appealing to me.  I’m totes going to try them for my kids.  There’s also the subject of prizes for the winner and loser, with spring break also being a time for “spring cleaning” I figure that the winner can choose their job for the day, and the loser gets what’s left over!!  This way everybody wins….the kids get some fun games to play and mom gets a clean house. With all these activities, those offspring will be crashing out at night, can’t argue with that logic!  

I also like to use the time off for spring break to get the kids in to the dentist, or in for an annual checkup.  Not the most popular with the kids, but this way you don’t have to take them out of school as much during the year.  I know Hawaii is super particular with attendance… We will definitely be visiting our favorite hair stylist at Vanity Salon.  Either way you utilize your break with the kids, take a time out and enjoy some Lex and Mais!  It’s about time we all lighten up, ya dig?!

Good Talk!

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